Receiving healing through forgiveness a guide to freedom is a must read for all, both believers and nonbelievers. Winsome Williams writes about the ways to Identify, and combat unforgiveness in our lives ,and receive divine healing through the word and scriptures of God.
The pages of this spiritually uplifting book examines the root causes of unforgiveness in its various forms and how it grows in our lives to affect us physically, mentally and spiritually.
This book deeply resonated with me as I found the various accounts of peoples spiritual trials instructive and a fantastic guide to receive the ultimate solution -deliverance, forgiveness and restorative healing.
Ryan Maragh
This book is very practical. You will restore your broken heart, understand God’s Heart through scriptures which will deliver you from wounds and an unforgiving life. The author made some strong points: painful circumstances help to correct and heal. Writing your story will become a memorial. Thank you Minister Winsome.
An Encounter with Jesus, will open your eyes to the truth written in this book. Knowing the attributes of God, will help us in worship and aid us to release forgiveness and free us from torment and terror.
I refuse to be a stumbling block in the life of others. I will root out jealousy and self-inflicted hurts, because I now know that hurting people hurt others. It causes abuse and locks us in prison.
I refuse to cover my wounds. Negative words will no longer have dominion over me. I will continue to guard my heart in this season. I will give up my right to those who offend me. I began to list the people that offended me and who later came to ask for forgiveness; they were many. Some said that the devil made them do it.
I will give forgiveness. God is ready to deliver me, but I must first make a decision to forgive others, from this book, I gleaned that forgiveness is for me and I would ever guard my heart and reaction during the test of time. Don’t put this book down. Read and encourage others. Walk in forgiveness and watch God open Doors of Favor in this season.
Pastor Stephnie Turnbull
Receiving Healing Through Forgiveness is a gift to all those seeking freedom from the burden of unforgiveness. The stories Winsome shares inspired hope in me about the possibilities for my own redemption and reminded me that I am not alone in the struggles I have experienced. Every story reveals the power of God to set ALL of us free from unforgiveness and the baggage it brings. The book is FULL of scripture showing a God who longs to set us free. However, this book will not only increase your awareness of personal unforgiveness, guide you through the process of forgiving, and instruct you in living a life of continual forgiveness, but also provide you with practical reflection questions and prayers. Receiving Healing Through Forgiveness invited me to look at areas of my life that were inconsistent with my profession of faith and accept the invitation to give and receive forgiveness. One of my favorite parts of the book is the Toolkit For Staying Free. This section is filled with Psalms to pray among other prayers. As Winsome says, “Real forgiveness is a lifelong commitment and decision one makes by faith to obey God’s Word and to live a lifestyle pleasing to God, growing in intimacy with Him”. The Toolkit resource is for daily use as we walk by the Spirit in forgiveness. Approach this book with an open mind and a hopeful heart and expect to experience healing through forgiveness as Winsome walks with you on your journey to freedom.
Debi Carleton